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Gone crackers

I made Roast Pumpkin Hummus last week and needed crackers to go with them and wanted to try something new. Lavosh at the supermarket is always in a fancy box and always expensive is I thought I would try and make my own. I found a recipe and they turned out really well and didn't last long 😀


1 390g can of chickpeas drained & rinsed

juice of 2 lemons

2 -3 cloves garlic, crushed

1 teaspoon of salt

100g of tahini paste

salt & pepper

Drain and rinse Chickpeas thoroughly and place in blender. Mix garlic and salt and place mixture in blender. Add lemon juice and tahini paste to blender and blend all ingredients to a smooth paste. Taste and adjust with salt and pepper. If required, thin down with lemon juice or water. 

I add more flavour to the hummus by blending in 4-5 pieces of roast pumpkin or roasted kumara or sun dried tomatoes, chilli flakes ? The possibilities are endless! Experiment.

Lavosh Crackers 

Adapted from Annabel Langbein’s book the Free Range Cook - who also happens to be my husbands most favourite chef.

1 cup plain flour

1/3 cup wholemeal flour

1 tbsp white sesame seeds

1 tbsp black sesame seeds

1 tsp salt

1/2 cup water


Preheat the oven to 165 celsius (330 Fahrenheit) and line 2 trays with baking paper.

In a mixing bowl stir together the flours, sesame seeds, cumin and salt. In a jug combine the oils and water together and add to the dry ingredients and mix into a soft dough.

Divide the dough into 4 and roll out between two sheets of baking paper, or a lightly floured workbench as thinly as possible. Cut into you desired shapes and place on the baking tray.

Brush the Lavosh lightly with oil and sprinkle with flaky salt. Bake until crisp and golden – about 12-18 minutes. Allow to cool fully then store in an airtight container.

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